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These files are matched to the 2011 OCR Gateway Science course. Your account will enable you to download these PowerPoints AND any other new files for the next 12 months!

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Biology Chemistry Physics


B1 Understanding Organisms

This slideshow covers the Understanding Organisms module from the OCR Gateway 2011 course and includes: Fitness and health, modern diets and obesity, the circulatory system, arteries and veins, heart disease, high blood pressure, measuring blood pressure, smoking, saturated fats, balanced diets, choices of diet, proteins, storing glucose, body-mass index, eating disorders, pathogens, defending against microbes, what pathogens do to us, white blood cells, producing antibodies, fighting diseases, vaccinations, developing new drugs, placebos, malaria, cancer, brain tumours, the eye, binocular and monocular vision, focussing on different objects, problems with vision, the nervous system, nerve cells, synapses, conscious actions, reflex actions, drugs, legal and illegal drugs, reaction times, steroids, diffusion in the lungs, damaging the lungs through smoking, tobacco and lung cancer, the effects of alcohol, homeostasis, measuring and regulating body temperature, controlling body temperature, heat stroke, hypothermia, controlling blood sugar levels, diabetes, plant growth, plant hormones, artificial plant hormones, variation, environmental differences, sexual reproduction, chromosomes, genes, monohybrid cross diagrams, determining eye colour and inherited diseases, the debate over nature vs nurture.

98 slides

B2 Understanding our Environment

This slideshow covers the 2011 Understanding the Environment (B2) unit and includes: classification, the Binomial System, species, problems with classifying species, common ancestors, the evolution tree, food chains, food webs, breaking food web links, pyramids of number, pyramids of biomass, energy flow in a food chain, efficiency of food chains, decomposing, the Carbon Cycle, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the Nitrogen Cycle, competition between species, interspecific and intraspecific competition, ecological niches, predator/prey cycles, interdependence, adaptation, adaptations for hunting and avoiding being hunted, behavioural adaptations, extreme environments, evolution, natural selection, geographic isolation, the views of Darwin and Lamarck, global population changes, pollution, the greenhouse effect, ozone, pollution indicator species in air and water, sustainability, extinct and endangered species, protecting endangered species, sustainable development.

73 slides

B4 It's a Green World

This module overs the B4 It's a Green World unit from the OCR Gateway course and includes: taking samples from an ecosystem, transect lines, ecosystems, photosynthesis and what it needs, different views of how plants grow over the ages, how photosynthesis works, limiting factors, the structure of a leaf, diffusion, osmosis, turgor pressure, osmosis in animal cells, water usage in plants, xylem and phloem, the transpiration stream, factors affecting transpiration, water loss and the role of stomata, plant minerals, active transport, decay and decomposers, saprophytes, preventing food decay, pests and pest control, accumulation of pesticides, intensive farming, hydroponics.

55 slides

B3 Living and Growing

This slideshow covers the B3 Living and Growing unit from the Gateway 2011 course, including: typical animal cells, DNA, making proteins, the work of Watson and Crick, proteins and enzyme use in animals, denaturing enzymes, mutations in DNA, respiration, anaerobic respiration, mitosis and meiosis, replicating DNA, sexual reproduction, the circulatory system, the four parts of blood, the role of haemoglobin, the double circulatory system, arteries, veins and capillaries, the heart, plant cells compared to animal cells, bacteria, measuring plant growth, measuring human growth, stem cells, comparing plant and human growth, selective breeding, genetic engineering, gene therapy, Dolly the sheep, cloning animals, cloning plants.

64 slides

B5 The Living Body

This slideshow covers the triple science B5 unit called "The Living Body" from the OCR Gateway course and includes: types of skeleton, the skeletal system, bone structure, how bones are damaged, different types of joint, joint movement, arm bones and muscles, the role of cartilage and ligaments, the circulatory system, the role of Galen and Harvey in understanding the circulatory system, the heart and how it works, monitoring heart rate, double circulation, "open" circulatory systems, heart rate and pacemakers, repairing damaged hearts, holes in the heart, heart transplants, heart disease, the four parts of blood, blood clotting, blood types, mixing blood types, gas exchange in animals, gas exchange in fish, the respiratory system, how we breathe, measuring lung capacity, diffusion in the lungs, cleaning the air, protecting against lung disease, the digestive system, enzymes in digestion, bile and the liver, the role of villi, excreting waste products, the role of kidneys and how they work, ultrafiltration, kidney structure, controlling water content, dialysis, breathing out carbon dioxide, the male and female reproductive systems, fertility and the role of hormones, the stages of the menstrual cycle, birth control, fertility treatments, foetal scanning, human growth and its stages, factors affecting human growth, life expectancy, replacing body parts through transplants or mechanical means, organ transplants.

74 slides

B6 Beyond the Microscope

This slideshow covers the triple science B6 unit from the OCR Gateway course and includes: using microscopes, the structure of bacteria, growing microbes in agar, how bacteria grows, the use of fermenters, bacteria and yeast, how yeast works and its structure, the structure of a typical virus, how a virus grows, pathogens and how they spread, stages of infectious diseases, the aftermath of natural disasters, the work of Pasteur, Fleming and Lister, how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, uses for bacteria, using bacteria to make food, using yeast, distilling alcohol, biofuels and how they are made, biogas, biogas generators, gasohol, life in soil, different types of soil and their drainage, measuring moisture and organic content in soil, food webs in soil, the role of earthworms, life in water, balancing water content in fish, amoebas and how they move, plankton, marine food webs, eutrophication, pollution indicators in water, accumulation of pesticides in food chains, industrial uses of enzymes, using enzymes in washing powder, blood sugar levels and how they are measured, immobilising enzymes, using enzymes in reagent sticks, lactose intolerance, basics of genetic engineering, how insulin is made using genetic engineering, DNA finger printing.

64 slides


C1 Carbon Chemistry

This slideshow covers the Carbon Chemistry (C1) module from the 2011 OCR Gateway science syllabus and includes: compounds, naming simple compounds, writing chemical formulae, simple chemical reactions, balancing equations, the structure of the atom, mass and atomic number, atoms, ions and molecules, ionic molecules, introduction to ionic and covalent bonding, fuels, hydrocarbons, fractional distillation, intermolecular forces, crude oil and its uses, cracking, choosing a fuel, combustion, incomplete combustion and the formation of soot, the Earth's atmosphere, the carbon cycle, evolution of the atmosphere, population and pollution, reducing pollution, formation of carbon monoxide and other pollutants, making polymers, alkanes, alkenes, testing for alkenes using bromine water, monomers and polymers, designer polymers, different properties of polymers, structure of plastics, nylon, Gore-tex, disposal of plastics, biodegradable plastics, the chemistry of cooking, artificial additives, emulsions, emulsifiers and how they work, baking powder, perfumes, solutions, key terms to do with solutions, solubility, using cosmetics, paint, ingredients of paint, water based and oil based paints, thermochromic and phosphorescent paint.

85 slides

C2 Chemical Resources

This slideshow covers the C2 Chemical Resources unit and includes: chemical formulae, naming compounds, balancing equations, introduction to ionic and covalent bonding, atoms, molecules and ions, the structure of the Earth, plate movements, tectonic theory and why it wasn't accepted, continental drift, magnetic patterns in the sea floor, igneous rocks, volcanoes and living near them, building materials, limestone and cement, reinforcing concrete, extracting metals from ores, reduction and oxidation, purifying copper using electrolysis, recycling materials, alloys and their uses, materials in a car, rusting, properties of iron and aluminium, reversible reactions, making ammonia, the Haber process, chemical economics, universal indicator and the pH scale, acids and alkalis, neutralisation reactions, making salts, adding acid to carbonates and metal hydroxides, fertilisers, eutrophication, making a fertiliser in the lab, salt, electrolysis of seawater, using sodium chloride in industry.

84 slides

C4 The Periodic Table

Use this slideshow to help teach the unit C4: The Periodic Table from the OCR Gateway course. It covers: elements and compounds, chemical formulae, naming compounds, balancing equations, atomic structure, isotopes, electron structure, the development of atomic structure theory, ionic bonding, giant ionic structures, dissolving ionic substances, covalent bonding, dot and cross diagrams, properties of simple molecules, the periodic table and how it has developed, the alkali metals and their properties, reactivity in group 1, flame tests, the halogens and their properties, reactivity in group 7, the transition metals, thermal decomposition of carbonates, testing for metal ions, properties of metals, metallic structure, superconductivity, water resources, pollutants in water, treating water, testing for ions.

81 slides

C3 Chemical Economics

This slideshow covers the following content from the C3 unit: fundamental concepts, rates of reaction, measuring the rate of reaction, different graphs to show the rate of reaction, how reactions happen and the factors affecting rates of reaction, catalysts, dust explosions, relative formula mass, conservation of mass in reactions, calculating the mass of a product, percentage yield, atom economy, endothermic and exothermic reactions, energy from burning fuels, batch and continuous processes, developing new drugs, extracting raw materials from plants, chromatography, forms of carbon, properties of diamond, graphite and fullerenes, nanoscience.

65 slides

C5 How Much?

This slideshow covers the C5 (How Much?) unit of the 2011 OCR Gateway course, including: the mole, molar calculations, conservation of mass in reactions, calculating the mass of a product, relative formula mass, empirical formulae, calculating percentage mass, calculating concentrations, changing a concentration, GDA values, estimating salt content, using the correct pH indicator, titration, pH curves, titration calculations, measuring gas masses, rates of reaction graphs, calculating volumes of gases, reversible reactions, changing equilibrium, the Contact Process, acids and bases, strength vs concentration for acids, reacting acids with carbonates, electrolysis of acids, precipitation reactions.

53 slides

C6 Chemistry Out There

This slideshow covers the Chemistry Out There unit from the OCR Gateway course and includes: testing for hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine, electrolysis, electrolysis half equations, electrolysing solutions compared to molten substances, calculating the amount of a product from electrolysis, energy level diagrams for reacting oxygen and hydrogen, hydrogen fuel cells, redox reactions, rusting and how to prevent it, sacrificial protection, reactivity, displacement reactions, alcohols, making ethanol from ethene and by fermentation, ozone, how ozone is damaged by CFCs, hard and soft water, temporary hardness and how to remove it, limescale, removing hardness using an ion exchange column, vegetable oils, healthy and unhealthy oils, saturated and unsaturated fats, turning unsaturated fat into saturated fat, emulsions, saponification, washing powder, washing up liquid and how it works, how detergents work, solubility, dry cleaning.

75 slides


P1 Energy for the Home

This slideshow covers the OCR Gateway Energy for the Home module from the new 2011 course and includes: particle theory revision, heat and temperature, thermograms, specific heat capacity, heating ice, latent heat of fusion, conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer, house insulation, heat sinks, efficiency, Sankey diagrams, waves, the wave equation, reflection and refraction, wave diagrams, diffraction, electromagnetic radiation, the electromagnetic spectrum, light and sound signals, critical angles, Morse Code, total internal reflection, lasers, CD players, microwaves and ovens, sending microwave signals, mobile phone signals, dangers of mobile phones, using infra red, analogue and digital signals, reflecting radio waves off the ionosphere, using different radio frequencies, wireless technology, DAB vs analogue radio, earthquakes, the structure of the Earth, seismic waves, P waves and S waves, ultra violet, the dangers of UV rays, ozone, verifying the depletion of the ozone layer.

81 slides

P2 Living for the Future

Use this slideshow to help you teach the OCR Gateway Living for the Future unit and it covers: solar panels, harnessing solar energy, passive solar heating, AC and DC, generating electricity, AC generators, using fuels in power stations, efficiency, global warming, the Greenhouse Effect, different views on global warming, nuclear power, biomass, advantages and disadvantages of different fuels, power, the cost of electricity, the National Grid, radioactivity, blocking radiation, ionisation, uses of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, handling radioactive materials, the components of our solar system, the order of the planets, distances in space, the light year, orbits, space travel, the moon and how it was formed, asteroids, asteroid collisions, comets, Near Earth Objects, the Big Bang theory, how red shift provides evidence for the Big Bang, cosmic microwave background radiation, the life cycle of a star, black holes, the geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system.

96 slides

P4 Radiation for Life

This slideshow covers the P4 Radiation for Life unit and includes: static electricity and its uses and dangers, using static in paint sprayers, smoke precipitators and defibrillators, electric current, resistance, Ohm's Law, wiring a plug, fuses, circuit breakers, how to calculate fuse values, waves, transverse and longitudinal waves, ultrasound and its uses, radioactivity, types of radiation, changes in mass and proton number after decay, ionisation, half life, background radiation, radioactivity by location, tracers, using radioactivity in smoke detectors, dating rocks, carbon dating, using X-rays and gamma rays in medicine, how power stations work, nuclear power, nuclear fission reactions and chain reactions, nuclear fusion in stars, cold fusion.

62 slides

P3 Forces for Transport

Use this slideshow to help you teach the Forces for Transport (P3) unit. It covers: calculating speed, how speed cameras work, average speed, distance-time graphs, calculating acceleration, speed-time graphs, speed vs velocity, force and acceleration, F=ma, stopping distances and what affects them, weight and mass, work done, energy and power, kinetic energy, doing work to stop a car, different fuels for cars, fuel consumption, momentum, car safety features, air resistance, balanced and unbalanced forces, terminal speed, acceleration due to gravity, gravitational potential energy, energy changes when falling, converting potential energy into kinetic energy.

69 slides

P5 Space for Reflection

Use this slideshow to help you teach the OCR Gateway triple science P5 unit. It covers: the Earth's orbit, gravity, centripetal force and orbits, natural and artificial satellites, comets and their orbit, uses of artificial satellites, speed vs velocity, relative speed, circular motion, vector and scalar quantities, adding vectors, equations of motion, projectile motion, using projectile motion in sport, trajectories, Newton's third law, action and reaction, momentum, conservation of momentum, particle motion in gases and how it causes gas pressure, gas pressure in rockets, diffraction of waves, sending signals to artificial satellites, digital signals, sending radio waves through the atmosphere, diffraction of radio waves, constructive and destructive interference, interference in sound waves, path difference, phase difference, coherence, how light travels, interference patterns from single and double slits, polarisation, particle theory vs wave theory, refraction of light through a glass block, refractive index, dispersion of light, critical angles, uses of total internal reflection, converging lenses, ray diagrams for converging lenses, using lenses in cameras and magnifying glasses, magnification.

86 slides

P6 Electricity for Gadgets

This slideshow covers the OCR Gateway Triple Science P6 unit and includes: circuit symbols, definition of electric current, using rheostats, calculating resistance, current-voltage graphs for ohmic conductors, what resistance is and how it is affected by temperature, potential dividers, LDRs and thermistors and their resistance, using LDRs and thermistors in circuits, calculating the total resistance of resistors in series and parallel, development of computers, transistors, using transistors as switches, combining transistors to make logic gates, AND, OR and NOT gates, truth tables for logic gates, NAND and NOR gates, truth tables for combinations of logic gates, using LDRs and thermistors in logic circuits, using LEDs with logic gates, relays, magnetic fields around a wire, solenoid and rectangular coil, the motor effect, Fleming's Left Hand Rule, electric motors and how they work, electromagnetic induction, AC generators, how transformers work, the transformer equation, isolating transformers, using transformers in the National Grid, power loss in the National Grid, diodes, how diodes work using holes and electrons, full-wave rectification, half-wave rectification, capacitors, charging and discharging capacitors, using capacitors and diodes in smoothing circuits.

77 slides