
Slideshows for international use

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Do you work in a school outside the UK that doesn't use the UK GCSE curriculum? If so then this page is for you. The following files contain most of the PowerPoint slides from elsewhere on this site which have been arranged into general headings under Physics, Chemistry and Biology. By taking out a subscription to this site you are able to download, edit and modify ALL of these slideshows and adapt them to fit the curriculum that you teach (within the terms of the site license).

Powerpoints for the following units:

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Biology Chemistry Physics


Cells and Genetics

This slideshow covers: Using a microscope, plant cells and animal cells, specialised cells, tissues and organs, cell growth, the development of modern genetics, the work of Gregor Mendel, mitosis and meiosis, cell growth, measuring growth, environmental variation, sexual and asexual reproduction, how sex is determined, dominant and recessive alleles, genes, chromosomes and DNA, how genes work, DNA mutations, making DNA copies, using DNA in forensics, making proteins, how eye colour is determined, monohybrid cross diagrams, punnett squares, inherited diseases such as Huntingdon's Disease and cystic fibrosis, family pedigree charts, diffusion, single-celled organisms, examples of diffusion in the body, enzymes, gene therapy, cloning plants, cloning animals, variation, animal regeneration, stem cells and their use in research, the Hayflick Limit, genetic testing and its ethics, embryo selection and its ethics, uses of genetic engineering, genetically engineering insulin, genetic modification.

65 slides

The Environment

This slideshow contains material about: biospheres, ecosystems, taking samples from an ecosystem, autotrophs and heterotrophs, adaptation, adapted features in polar bears, camels, cacti and fish, seasonal adaptations, competition within an environment, predators and prey, food chains, pyramids of number, pyramids of biomass, energy flow in a food chain, improving the efficiency of food chains, farming methods, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, decay of organisms and food, decomposers, evolution, the development of life on Earth, common ancestors, evidence for evolution, natural selection and how it works, the example of the peppered moth and of bacteria, Darwin and Lamarck, classifying organisms, the 5 Kingdoms, vertebrates and invertebrates, the Binomial System of naming organisms, problems with classifying species, geographic isolation, selective breeding, global population changes, population and pollution, pollution indicators on land and in water, reducing pollution by recycling, deforestation, the greenhouse effect, sustainable development, evolution of the Earth's atmosphere, global warming, conservation, ozone, eutrophication, worldwide food production, fish farms, extreme environments, mutations, extinct species, endangered species and their protection, soil, biomass calculations.

94 slides

Microbes and Disease

This slideshow covers: micro organisms, the work of Louis Pasteur, fermenters, penicillin and its development, biofuels, biogas, growing micro organisms, pathogens, disease, fungi, transmitting diseases, spreading of pathogens, our defence against microbes, cleaning our air, blood clotting, white blood cells, producing antibodies, fighting diseases, using antibiotics, rainforest medicines, resistance to antibiotics, the rise of MRSA, using painkillers, the spread of infection, vaccinations, tuberculosis, HIV and AIDs, vaccination policies, drugs, smoking, cannabis, tobacco and lung cancer, cancer statistics, steroids, diabetes, fungal infections.

52 slides


This slideshow covers: plant cells, diffusion, osmosis, photosynthesis, respiration, limiting factors of photosynthesis, uses for glucose, storing glucose as starch, the compensation point, gas concentrations around a plant over 24 hours, active transport, leaf structure, using water in plants, transpiration, factors affecting transpiration, measuring transpiration rates, water loss, turgor pressure, plant growth, meristems, xylem and phloem, essential minerals, cloning plants, plant hormones, soil, biomass content of soil, deforestation, fertilisation of plants, starch test, root hair cells, using plants for food, helping plants grow, pesticides.

51 slides

Human Biology

This slideshow covers: aerobic respiration, muscles, the effect of exercise, anaerobic respiration, uses for energy, the four parts of blood, blood types, mixing blood types, blood group genetics, the circulatory system, the heart, double circulation, arteries and veins, capillaries, the role of haemoglobin, heart rate and pacemakers, monitoring heart rate, types of skeleton, the skeletal system, bone structure, damaging bones, joints, joint movement, the knee, medical treatments, enzymes, enzyme use in nature, enzymes in digestion, bile and the liver, industrial uses of enzymes, homeostasis, artificial homeostasis, controlling body temperature, heat stroke, hypothermia, the role of blood vessels and sweat, controlling blood sugar levels, diabetes, genetic engineering, insulin, kidneys, controlling water content, dialysis, kidney transplants, diffusion, active transport, the respiratory system, diffusion in the lungs, the nervous system, nervous reactions, conscious actions and reflex actions, synapses, the brain, the eye, the iris reflex, Pavlov's Dog, complex behaviour, the cerebral cortex, studying the brain, memory, the effect of drugs, hormones, fertility, the menstrual cycle, IVF, other fertility treatments, the reproductive systems, eggs and sperm, foetal scanning, fertilisation, the development of an embryo, giving birth, after birth, balanced diets, poor diets, metabolic rate and health, conditions caused by excess weight, heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, repairing damaged hearts, heart transplants, body-mass index, food tests, proteins, eating disorders, cannabis, smoking, tobacco and lung cancer, stopping smoking, developing new drugs, thalidomide, tuberculosis, researching new drugs, placebos, the respiratory system, breathing, measuring lung capacity, diffusion in the lungs, human growth, life expectancy.

139 slides


Acids and Alkalis

This slideshow covers many common aspects of acids and alkalis, including: Hazard signs, acids and bases, common acids, drawing acid molecules, titration, titration equations, the theories of Arrhenius and Bronsted, neutralisation reactions, making salts, ammonium salts, using different bases, reactions of acids with metals and carbonates, uses of salts, useful acid-alkali reactions, electrolysis of hydrochloric acid, testing for hydrogen and oxygen.

28 slides

Earth Science

This slideshow covers many aspects of geology and Earth science, including: the structure of the Earth, the lithosphere, tectonic plate movements, sea-floor spreading, continental drift, tectonic theory, the work of Alfred Wegner, forming mountains, formation of rocks, some examples of erosion, erosion experiments, rock fragments, types of rock, sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, the rock cycle, soil, the Earth's atmosphere, evolution of the atmosphere, the Miller-Urey experiment, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, separating air, pollution, data on air pollution, combustion of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the dangers of carbon monoxide, incomplete combustion, pollution, removing sulfur, wet scrubbing, reducing pollution from vehicles, alternative fuels, making choices about pollution, hydrogen fuel cells, acid rain, global warming, the greenhouse effect, limestone, the limestone cycle, uses of calcium compounds, thermal decomposition of carbonates, fuels, crude oil, composition of crude oil, formation of oil and gas, hydrocarbons, burning hydrocarbons, fractional distillation, alkanes, general formula of alkanes, burning fossil fuels, uses of crude oil, ethanol, cracking, alkenes, general formula of alkenes, addition reactions, monomers and polymers, uses of addition polymers, structure of plastics, disposal and recycling of plastics, biodegradable carrier bags, making ethanol, water, the water cycle, hard and soft water, removing hardness, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, chemicals in the atmosphere, intermolecular forces, crystal lattices, silicon dioxide, covalent structures.

116 slides


This slideshow contains a number of slides dealing with metals and their reactions, including: properties of metals, a closer look at the structure of metals, extraction from the Earth, reduction and oxidation reactions, using iron, making steel, alloys, smart alloys, gold alloys, the alkali metals, uses of the transition metals, electrolysis, purifying copper by electrolysis, other ways of extracting metals using plants, extracting aluminium by electrolysis, thermal decomposition, reactions of metals with water, rusting, redox reactions, electrolysis of seawater, uses of chlorine, electrolysis of water, materials in a car, recycling, reactions of metals with acids, reactivity, the reactivity series, displacement reactions.

49 slides

Reactions and Bonding

This slideshow covers many aspects of chemical bonding, including: elements and compounds, balancing equations, hazard signs, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, dot and cross diagrams, properties of ions, reactions of the halogens, balancing ions, giant ionic and covalent structures, atomic mass, relative formula mass, moles and molar calculations, concentration, percentage mass, calculating the mass of a product, atom economy, percentage yield, exothermic and endothermic reactions, reversible reactions, making ammonia, the Haber process and its economics, the Contact Process, rates of reaction, catalysts, rates of reaction graphs, measuring energy in food, energy level diagrams, measuring energy in methane combustion, bond energies, burning ethanol and measuring its energy output, emulsions, uses of emulsifiers in food, reactivity, the reactivity series, energy from displacement reactions, conservation of mass in reactions, thermal decomposition, reactions with water, collecting gases, testing for hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, chlorine and ammonia, flame tests, alkanes, general formulae for alkanes, alcohols, burning alcohols, carboxylic acids, healthy and unhealthy oils, saturated and unsaturated fats, esters, precipitation reactions, testing for halide ions.

104 slides

The Periodic Table

This slideshow covers information about the Periodic Table, including: the three states of matter, particle theory, kinetic theory, elements, testing for hydrogen and oxygen, atomic structure, mass and atomic number, isotopes, electron structure, grouping elements, basic facts about the Periodic Table, development of the modern table and the role of Newlands and Mendeleev, forms of carbon, information on the elements in groups 1, 7 and 8, properties of the alkali metals, reactivity trends in group 1, compounds made from the halogens, reactivity trends in group 7, displacement reactions of the halogens, the transition metals, flame tests, the noble gases, metals, nanoscience, drawing atoms, atomic mass, the mole, numbers of moles, chromatography, emulsions, emulsifiers, dissolving substances, evaporation and filtration, distillation, saturated solutions, solubility, common elements and their symbols.

63 slides



This slideshow covers a large amount of information about electricity including: static electricity, how it is formed, Van De Graaf generators, how photocopiers and smoke precipitators make use of static electricity, circuit symbols, transfer of electrical energy, electric current, electrical power, the Watt, conventional current, current in series and parallel circuits, voltage in series and parallel circuits, Kirchoff's Laws, resistance, Ohm's Law, resistors in series and parallel, power dissipation in resistors, charge carrier density, electron drift speed, resistivity, potential dividers, internal resistance, short circuits, current-voltage graphs for bulbs and diodes, LDRs and thermistors, wiring a plug, DC and AC, using oscilloscopes, fuses, earth wires, circuit breakers, charge, work done. using voltmeters and ammeters, the cost of electricity, the motor effect, electric motors, electromagnetic induction, AC generators, the National Grid and electricity supply, power lines, transformers and how they work, types of batteries, battery capacity, electrical inventions, the development of computers, superconductivity, capacitors, current-time and voltage-time graphs for capacitors, charging and discharging capacitors, time constant, energy stored in capacitors, combining capacitors in series and parallel.

117 slides


This slideshow covers a large amount of content about the topic of energy, including: heat and temperature, particle theory, changes of state, conduction, convection, radiation, understanding heat transfer and applying it to vacuum flasks and other items, evaporation, rate of heat transfer, heat loss in animals, heat loss in houses, house insulation, U values, specific heat capacity, reducing energy consumption, heating ice, latent heat of fusion, types of energy, energy changes, efficiency, Sankey diagrams, energy and power, work done, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, electrical energy, the cost of electricity, reading electricity meters, fuels, power stations, pollution, nuclear power, start up times, renewable energy, biofuels, carbon capture, wind turbines, tidal power, wave power, hydroelectricity, biomass, solar energy, geothermal energy, the National Grid, power lines.

82 slides


This slideshow covers a large amount of information about different fields, including: gravitational fields, free body force diagrams, Newton's Laws of Gravitation, gravity and centripetal force, Kepler's Laws, gravitational field strength, work done, static electricity, Coulomb's Law, electric fields, electrostatic force and centripetal force, electric fields around point charges, electric fields between charged plates, equipotentials, potential gradients, magnetic fields, magnetic fields around bar magnets and current-carrying wires, solenoids, Fleming's Left Hand rule, magnetic flux density, electromagnetic induction, magnetic flux, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law.

41 slides


This slideshow covers a large amount of material on forces and their effects, including: distance, speed and time, distance-time graphs, speed and velocity, acceleration, velocity-time graphs, vector and scalar quantities, balanced and unbalanced forces, air resistance, resultant force, F=ma, terminal velocity, motion graphs for a bouncing ball, equations of motion, vertical projection and the equations concerning it, measuring the acceleration of free fall, projectile motion, Newton's laws of motion, types of forces, free body force diagrams, vectors, stopping distances, weight and mass, W=mg, work done, elastic potential energy, kinetic energy, momentum, conservation of momentum in collisions, force and momentum, safety features, energy loss in collisions, elastic and inelastic collisions, conservation of energy in a bouncing ball, finding the centre of mass, stability, turning moments, balancing moments, centripetal force, gravity, density, floating, pressure, gas pressure, hydraulic systems, levers, circular motion, centripetal acceleration, radians, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, SHM maximum values, SHM oscillating systems.

128 slides

Nuclear and Particle Physics

This slideshow covers information about nuclear physics and particle physics, including: atomic structure, the Rutherford Scattering Experiment, Geiger-Muller tubes, photoelectric emission, electron beams, electronvolts, electron diffraction, Van de Graaf generators, linear particle accelerators, magnetic forces on charged particles, circular paths, cyclotrons, particle collisions, particle track diagrams, energy-mass equivalence, the unified atomic mass unit, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, matter and anti-matter, measuring atomic mass in different units, fundamental particles, quarks and antiquarks, leptons and antileptons, hadrons, lepton and baryon number, conserving charge and other properties, exchange bosons, quantum physics, photoelectron energy, photocurrents, absorption and emission spectra, different models of atoms.

68 slides


This slideshow covers different aspects of radioactivity, including: the structure of an atom, isotopes, types of radioactivity, changes in proton number and mass number after decay, ionisation, Geiger-Muller tubes, blocking radiation using paper, foil and lead, deflection of radiation by magnetic fields, background radiation, uses of radioactivity, tracers, radiotherapy, protecting the Earth from radioactivity, dangers of radioactivity, half life, decay curves, dating materials using half life, energy-mass equivalence, nuclear fission, nuclear power stations, handling radioactive materials, disposing of radioactive waste, nuclear fusion.

35 slides

Solids and Fluids

This slideshow covers the following information about solids and fluids: density, pressure, gas pressure, fluid pressure, floating, upthrust in fluids, Archimedes' Principle, aerodynamics, laminar flow and turbulent flow, viscosity, Stokes' law, terminal velocity through a fluid, force and extension, force-extension graphs for springs and wires, the spring constant, force-extension graphs for rubber, elastic strain energy, stress and strain, the Young Modulus, hysteresis in rubber, force and compression, force-extension graphs for different materials, definition of words such as malleability and ductility.

45 slides


Lots of slides to help you teach space with, including: historical views of the universe, the heliocentric model, Copernicus and Galileo, the size of the Earth compared to other planets or stars, the light year, distances in space, measuring distances to stars using brightness and parallax, problems with measuring distances, basic facts about the Earth, the solar system, the moon, comets, asteroids, space travel, near-Earth objects, solar flares, the aurora borealis, centripetal force, the eight planets of the solar system, different orbit times, gravity, gravity on different planets, weightlessness, artificial satellites, rockets, escape velocity, benefits of space research, the search for aliens, SETI, modern telescopes, building a spectrometer, the formation of the universe, Hubble's Law, the Big Bang theory, the end of the universe and its different theories, the life cycle of a star, nebulae and protostars, main sequence stars, red giants and supergiants, fusion reactions, pulsars, black holes, second generation stars, detecting black holes, cosmic microwave background radiation, red shift, star spectra, observing the universe, CCDs, transmission of different wavelengths through the atmosphere, the Hubble Space Telescope, different space telescopes, luminosity, intensity, using intensity to find distance, Cepheid Variable stars, the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Planck distribution of energy, Wien's Displacement Law.

111 slides


This slideshow covers a large amount of material on about waves, including: definition of terms like amplitude and wavelength, transverse and longitudinal waves, the visible spectrum, electromagnetic radiation, the electromagnetic spectrum, transmitting information, digital technology and music, the wave equation, using carrier waves, frequency and amplitude modulation, analogue vs digital signals, reflection, ray diagrams for mirrors, magnification, refraction through different media, the refractive index, measuring the refractive index, finding the critical angle, uses of total internal reflection, lenses, converging and diverging lenses, ray diagrams for lenses, lenses in telescopes and mirrors, using lenses to correct eyesight problems, using lenses in magnifying glasses and cameras, wave behaviour, refraction, diffraction, diffracting sound, blocking reception, using microwaves for communication, using radio waves, colour, the colours of the rainbow, adding colours, seeing colours in different light, using filters, damping, travelling waves vs standing waves, polarisation, pulse-echo techniques, ultrasound, phase difference, coherence, superposition, constructive and destructive interference, path difference, Young's Double Slit experiment, interference patterns from multiple slits, image resolution, electron diffraction, interferometers, how CD players work, stationary waves, nodes and antinodes, harmonics, harmonics in wind instruments, using oscilloscopes, how sound travels, speed of sound, how the ear works, using oscilloscopes with ultrasound, the structure of the Earth, seismic waves, P waves and S waves, locating earthquakes.

100 slides