
Slide Preview for AQA Physics Unit 2

Below are the previews for the slide in AQA Physics Unit 2. If you click on them, you can see larger versions. If you are on a computer you can press the left and right arrows to move. You can also click the arrows to the left and right of the screen.

Powerpoint Description:

Over 160 slides to teach the AQA Physics Unit 2 module, including: balanced and unbalanced forces, air resistance, resultant force, F=ma, calculating speed, distance-time graphs, speed vs velocity, circular motion and velocity, calculating acceleration, velocity-time graphs, stopping distances, terminal velocity, velocity-time graph for a skydiver, weight and mass, extending a spring, force-extension graph for a spring, calculating work done, calculating energy and power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, momentum, using the conservation of momentum in collisions and explosions, car safety features, static electricity, electric current, calculating charge, circuit symbols, determining voltage and current in series and parallel circuits, calculating resistance, current-voltage graphs for resistors, bulbs and diodes, using thermistors and LDRs in practical applications, using an oscilloscope, DC and AC, wiring a plug, different types of wire and insulation, fuses, earth wires, circuit breakers, determining fuse values, the structure of the atom, Rutherford scattering, isotopes, radioactivity, ionisation, background radiation, alpha, beta and gamma radiation and what they are, changes in mass and atomic number, blocking radiation using aluminium and lead, deflecting radiation using electric and magnetic fields, using radioactivity in tracers and smoke detectors, half life, radioactive decay graphs, nuclear fission, chain reactions, nuclear power stations, nuclear fusion in stars, the life cycle of a star (including nebulae, protostars, main sequence stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes).

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