
Slide Preview for EdExcel Unit B1 - Influences on Life

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Powerpoint Description:

Classification of different organisms, the 5 kingdoms, classifying a virus, vertebrates and invertebrates, the Binomial System, reproduction between species, problems with classifying species, adaptation, extreme environments, evolution, natural selection, variation, environmental and inherited variation, variation due to geographical isolation, genes, chromosome, DNA, sexual reproduction, inherited characteristics, monohybrid cross diagrams, the punnett square method, inherited diseases, family pedigree charts, homeostasis, maintaining body temperature, heat stroke, hypothermia, controlling water content, hormones, blood sugar levels, diabetes, body-mass index, obesity, plant hormones, the nervous system, nervous reactions, conscious actions, reflex actions, synapses, drugs, reaction times, smoking, lung cancer, vaccinations, tuberculosis, researching new medicines, HIV and AIDS, placebos, malaria, the effects of alcohol, organ transplants, pathogens, spreading of pathogens, microbes, rainforest medicines, antibiotics, MRSA, food chains, pyramids of biomass, energy flow in a food chain, interdependent relationships, global population changes, population and pollution, eutrophication, pollution indicators, recycling, the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle.

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